The Timeline (Part One)

First posted in Sep 2009.
Recoded and moved to this site in Sep 2020.


The tables below were made with the references from my mother's side of the Family History Book - 黃端本堂家譜.

If there were any mistakes please do not hesitate to correct me.
Thank you!

Kanda  (陳玲玲)
September, 2009

The Abbreviations :
G1 : Generation 1
#3 : The third in the birth order among the siblings of the same gender
M, F : Gender,   MW1 : Man's First Wife,   MW2 : Man's Second Wife
B. : Date or Year of Birth   D. : Death.
All the dates were A.D. for an easy understanding.
<70> : The number in the < > indicates age.

Please note that the Chinese traditional way of counting age started from one year old.
A newborn is already one year old.
The table below used this method, which was the same as the Book.

The Names :
In the past it seemed to be a taboo to mention the ancestors in the names their parents had given to them. But for clarity I have listed them.

The names in the parentheses were either their pen names (if they had any) or the names their offspring gave to them after death. The latter often showed the most prominent virtue they had impressed upon their offsrping.

Here I pronounced the names in Mandarin.

The same Chinese characters could be pronounced in Taiwanese, too. As a matter of fact, in the Qing dynasty when Mandarin was not imposed all over China as an official language the names could have more likely been pronounced in Taiwanese - or Fujian dialect - but I am not sure if I could pronounce them that way correctly.

The italic parts were the closest pronunciations in English.

The meanings in English (my translations) were in a smaller font.

Ghong (公) and Mah (媽) were added to the names. This was the traditional way to show respect for the male and female ancestors.

In the Book a wife's name started with her father's family name. Her other name (in the parentheses) was either the way their offspring called her while she was alive, or the name given to her after her death.

1731-1820   ( Qing Dynasty - 清朝 )

Who ↓       Year → 1731-
G1 M   鼎公  (和睦公)
Ding ghong (Ho-mu ghong)

鼎 (ding) = A tripod with two handles
    used in rituals and cooking.
    Traditional treasure.
和睦 (Ho-mu) = harmony.
B. 1732.
        Came to Taiwan with his two sons in 1783  <52>.  
D. 1806. <75>      
G1 MW1   (大媽)
(Dah mah) = Father's first wife.
No details.
G1 MW2   (二媽)
(Er mah) = Father's 2nd wife.
No details.
G2 #1M   泮水公 (守約公)
Pan-shui ghong (Shou-yue ghong)

泮水 (Pan-shui)
    = Water at (ancient time) School.
守約 (Shou-yue )
    = To keep the promise.
      B. 1769.
                  To Taiwan 1783 <15>     →
G2 #1MW   周銀娘 (莊肅媽)
Zhou Yin-niang (Zhuang-su mah)

銀 (Yin) = Silver.
娘(niang) = Girl, woman. mother.
莊肅 (Zhuang-su) = Graceful.
  B. 1779.
    She lived till 1865 <87>
      and witnessed 4 generations. →
G2 #2M   宗枝公
Zong-zhi ghong

宗枝 (Zong-zhi) = Branch of the clan
    B. ?
          To Taiwan 1783   <Age ?>  
              Was given to "other family".
                No further details.


Comments from my MTP (journal item no. 341)

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