My Old Blogs at Yahoo!360 / MTP
Oct 12 -20, 2006
Entry for October 12, 2006 --To listen to foreign languages
This is a very good site that Babi in Hungary told me.
You can listen to and imitate many foreign languages, including Hungarian at this site!

Entry for October 13, 2006 -- Words of Wisdom
Words of Wisdom
The Most Selfish 1-Letter Word | "I" | Avoid it. |
The Most Satisfying 2-Letter Word | WE" | Use it. |
The Most Poisonous 3-Letter Word | "EGO" | Kill it. |
The Most Used 4-Letter Word | "LOVE" | Value it. |
The Most Pleasing 5-Letter Word | "SMILE" | Keep it. |
The Fastest Spreading 6-Letter Word | "RUMOUR" | Ignore it. |
The Hardest Working 7-Letter Word | "SUCCESS" | Achieve it. |
The Most Enviable 8-Letter Word | "JEALOUSY" | Distance it. |
The Most Powerful 9-Letter Word | "KNOWLEDGE" | Acquire it. |
The Most Essential 10-Letter Word | "CONFIDENCE" | Trust it. |
Again, my special thanks to
Haji Maryam
in Kurdistan, Iraq.
This, and "Value of a Woman" in my earlier blog are from Islam teaching.
I use water background because when I am composing this,
water level in rivers in my country is reaching its highest record,
flooding so many places.
Remarks: The codes were modified on Dec-3-2010.
Entry for October 14, 2006 --I am getting better at HTML now!!!!
Hello !!!
Have a good weekend!
I am too addicted to this HTML fun now!
Can someone please tell me why when I cut-paste HTML
from notepad to here the codes changed automatically and sometimes
they would not appear as the way I "commanded"?
Is this because they are of different versions? Which one is newer?
Entry for October 16, 2006 --Some thing Spiritual for Monday
Buddha said:
"The gift of truth excels all other gifts."
Max Planck (1900) said:
"A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents
and making them see the light,
but rather because its opponents eventually die,
and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it."
Mahatma Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948) said:
"Truth alone is eternal, everything else is momentary.
It is more correct to say that Truth is God, than to say that God is Truth. ...
All life comes from the one universal source, call it Allah, God or Parmeshwara."
We continue to get flood alerts in many places in Thailand,
therefore I still keep the old moving water background here.
See more at:
The Philosophy work shop.
for the sparkling red in the dark background,
and mr tigercub
for the moving water and how to put table!
Entry for October 17, 2006 --Floods near Bangkok!
Floods near Bangkok!!!
Pics from "Matichon" newspaper, Oct-15-2006
Flood in Rangsit
Flood in Nonthaburi
Flood in Bang Pa In
Note: Don't worry about my neighborhood, Bang Na. It is still dry!
Entry for October 18, 2006 --
Something Spiritual and Political
My Reply to A Blog Who Praised
A Very Young Teenager Suicide Bomber
I know you have passion.
I know you love your country so much and this is wonderful.
But... I don't think there is anything greater than living the best of THIS life.
Especially young people.
If older people want to get back to their god or gods, let them go.
They have had enough of life.
But younger people, including you if you are only 20 as stated here,
should experience the wonder (which includes the joy, the agony,
the desperation, the rage, and all) of THIS LIFE first.
Of course it is always important to be ethical and moral and spiritual and patriotic,
but sometimes to CONTINUE to live in this world
that is full of enemies requires GREATER courage than just to drop dead.
Sometimes we need so much prayer and assistance from heaven
to help us CHANGE our enemies INTO our friends.
It can be easy ( sometimes too easy!
) to hate and to eliminate enemies.
It is, however, a lot harder to live side-by-side with enemies,
and it is uttermost hardest to change their minds
so that they eventually support us,
instead of going against us.
Please think about it.
I hope to hear from you again.
Thank you for reading to this line.
Entry for October 18, 2006 -- Allow Me to Continue...
Parents all love their children unconditionally.
Anyone who wants to "die for your country"
please take a few minutes and read this poem
and THINK how sad your parents or grandparents
may actually feel when they lose you forever
for the lofty sake of saving your everlasting
sacred country.
Mount Fuji
Mitsuharu Kaneko (b.1895)
Anthology of Modern Japanese Poetry
translated & compiled by
Edith Marcombe Shiffert
& Yuki Sawa
First Printing, 1972
The same as stacked lunchboxes
this Japan, narrow and confined.
From this corner to that corner,
meanly and stinglily
all of us are being counted up.
And, unlimited rudeness,
all of us are drafted---stupid idiots.
Birth certificates,
they ought to be burned right away.
Nobody should remember my son.
My son, be concealed away inside this hand.
Hide away for a while underneath a hat.
Both your father and mother
in the house at the foot of the mountain
have talked about it all night long.
Soaking the withered forest
at the foot of the mountain,
making sounds like twigs breaking,
crackle, crackle,
the whole night rain was falling.
My son, you are soaked wet to the skin
carrying a heavy gun, gasping for breath,
walking along as if fallen ito a trance.
What place is it?
That place is not known. But for you
both your father and mother go outside
to search aimlessly.
The night hateful with only such dreams,
the long anxious nighttime, at last ends.
The rain has let up.
In the sky vacant without my son,
well, how damnably disgusting,
like a shaby worn-out bathrobe,
Entry for October 19, 2006 --Blast
-- Michael Loftus
What will your dearest(s) feel
when you decide to sacrifice yourself for your country?
(Please reply.)