Floods, floods, and floods (4)

Oct 26-28, 2011

(journal/item/481, FB)

* Remarks (added in Apr 2020) : The outdated links below are removed.

Oct26rumor.png - Oct 26:Rumor - Link outdated
Oct26Rain.png - Oct 26: Raining now? No.
Oct26V1.png - Oct 26: Video - Understanding the floods 
- With English Captions - http://youtu.be/b8zAAEDGQPM
Oct26V2.png - Oct 26: Video -Three Floods FAQ 
- With English Captions - http://youtu.be/LY7a88olbek
Oct26W1.png - Oct 26: BK floods could last weeks
 - thaivisa.com/forum/topic/508023-bangkok-floods-could-last-weeks-thai-pm Oct26W2.png - Oct 26: BK floods could last weeks - screenshot Oct26W3.png - Oct 26: BK floods could last weeks  - screenshot
Oct26Map.png - Oct 26 interactive Flood Map - Link OUTDATED
Oct26Map1.png - Oct 26: Daily Flood Map - Link also OUTDATED
Oct26Map2.png - Oct 26: Daily Flood Map article - screenshot
Oct26d1.png - Oct 26: Thais face drowning, etc 
- thaivisa.com/forum/topic/508073-thais-face-drowning-disease-in-disastrous-floods/ Oct26d2.png - Oct 26: Thais face drowning, etc - screenshot Oct26d3.png - Oct 26: Thais face drowning, etc - screenshot Oct26d4.png - comment
Oct26Songwad.png - Oct 26: Songwad Road, Chinatown, BKK 
- http://twitpic.com/75yu9m#.TqfV605l_7g.facebook

More from Songwad:

Oct26sw5.png - Oct 26: Songwad Road, Chinatown, BKK  - Link outdated
Oct26US.png - Oct 26:US Ambassador and USS Mustin crew members to help the FROC - page gone
Oct26USH.png - Oct 26: Thailand did not refuse US help - page gone Oct26USH1.png - Oct 26: Thailand did not refuse US help - screenshot Oct26USH2.png - Oct 26: Thailand did not refuse US help - screenshot
Oct26GoodArticle.png - Oct 26: Lessons learned from this mega flood - page removed

Remarks :
In short, lessons learned from this mega flood:

Govt should tell us in plain language where and when the floods have been expected to happen.
The info should not contradict one another.
Better water management is needed.
Those in the areas where the authority has decided to receive and to "keep" the flood water should be compensated.
These areas should be the thinly populated areas.
The people living there should be asked of their opinions first.
They should never be forced to sacrifice.


Oct26Sh1.png - Oct 26: Exploit (irrawaddy.org) - http://www2.irrawaddy.org/article.php?art_id=22329 Oct26Sh2.png - Oct 26: Exploit (irrawaddy.org) - screenshot
481SurinP.png - Oct 27, 2011: ASEAN Secretary Surin Pitsuwan tweeting flood updates - page removed 481SurinP_.png - More from ASEAN Secretary Surin Pitsuwan 
- Two modes of transport by the military -Link outdated
Oct27froc.png - Oct 27: Discrimination - http://bit.ly/s9Tmpc
Oct27chaotic.png - Oct 27:Chaotic out there
Oct27Dry.png - Oct 27: Dry on the east side
Oct27Coming1.png - Oct 27: Bangkok In For 1-meter Flooding
- http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/508162-bangkok-in-for-1-metre-flooding-says-expert/ Oct27Coming2.png - Oct 27: Bangkok In For 1-meter Flooding 
- http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/508162-bangkok-in-for-1-metre-flooding-says-expert/
Oct27BkExodus.png - Oct 27: The Bangkok Exodus begins! - page removed Oct27BkExodusC.png - comments
Oct27Esri.png - Oct27: Esri Flood Map - Link outdated
Oct27Check.png - Oct 27: Check Flooded / Dry at Twitter 
- https://twitter.com/search?q=%23NoFloodHere
Oct27OneM.png - Oct27: One Million went out of BKK
Oct27TytHalt.png - Oct27: Toyota halted production
Oct27Biblicalpng.png - Oct27: Floods of biblical proportions
481fbLe.png - English version is blocked
481e2.png - comments from MTP
481f.png - comments from MTP
Oct28ThisPersonC.png  - comments from FB
481g.png - comments from MTP
Oct28Alan.png - Bangkok Underwater - Excellent flood pics by Alan Taylor
- http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2011/10/bangkok-underwater/100178/
Oct27JpToi.png - Oct28: Floating Toilets
Oct28PM1.png - Oct 28: PM visiting the evacuees
- https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.267849099926219.71140.105044319540032
Oct28PM.png - Oct 28: PM visiting the South 
- https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.267849099926219.71140.105044319540032

Oct28:Bk Governor visiting the flood evacuees - page removed
Oct28BkGovC.png - comments
481Oct28.png - Twitter updates: tap water is safe, crocs under toll way
Oct28Chuvit.png - Oct28: MP Chuvit delivering food for flood victims - link outdated
Oct28ChuvitC.png - comments
Oct28TanBoats.png - Oct 28:Mr Tan donated boats to the flood victims - link outdated
Oct28Supermarket.pn - Oct 28:Supermarket Check - link outdated
Oct28Misconceptions.png - Oct 28: Misconceptions
- https://www.facebook.com/notes/marketing-hub/%E0%B8%84%E0%B8%A7%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%A1%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%8A%E0%B8%B7%E0%B9%88%E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%9C%E0%B8%B4%E0%B8%94%E0%B9%86-%E0%B9%83%E0%B8%99%E0%B8%A0%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%A7%E0%B8%B0%E0%B8%99%E0%B9%89%E0%B8%B3%E0%B8%97%E0%B9%88%E0%B8%A7%E0%B8%A1/267445096632832

Summary of the above in my own words:

Misconceptions of life amidst the floods

"With enough food one can live for months in the middle of the flood water."
-  The truth:
Without electricity or gas there is no way to cook.
Can you eat chips for weeks?  No TV, radio, newspaper.
Fridges, mobiles, and wi-fi do not work.
The air-conditioners and fans don't work:   it will be hot and suffocating!

"One can go upstairs if water reaches the ground floor."
-  The truth:
The flood water can be very dirty and smelly.
There are mosquitos, snakes, centipedes, dead rats and etc...
And what if the water rises to the second floor....

"Not in the risky zones.  Should be safe..."
-  The truth:
The world is changing fast.
Many places on earth are seeing unexpected large-scaled disasters.


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